Jorik Stoop is graduating with the Research Option in Biomedical Engineering. His thesis, conducted under the direction of Dr.

Payton McClarity Jones is graduating with the Research Option in Neuroscience. Her thesis, conducted under the direction of Dr.


Submitted by criquelme3 on Thu, 04/25/2024 - 20:56

PairMe, hosted by UROP, is a dynamic platform dedicated to connecting students with research opportunities and mentors in their field of interest. It is a centralized hub where undergraduates can explore various research projects thereby networking with faculty members or graduate students, and gain valuable hands-on experience in academic research.

Griffin Wagner is a 4th-year Biology major studying guinea worm disease prevention in sub-Saharan Africa with Dr. Jeannette Yen.

Griffin stands by a poster at a conference

How long have you been an undergraduate researcher at Georgia Tech?

I’ve been working with Dr.

Grace Kim is a 2nd-year computer science major studying human-centered AI with Dr. Betsy DiSalvo and Dr. Polo Chau.

Grace works on her research.

How long have you been an undergraduate researcher at Georgia Tech?

I began my second year in Fall 2023!

Divali Legore is a 4th year Public Policy major studying Women and Men in Science and Technology fields with Dr. Mary Frank Fox.

A photo of Divali

How long have you been an undergraduate researcher at Georgia Tech?

I have been an undergraduate researcher since 2022 when I discovered Dr.

For Faculty, Staff, Postdocs, and Graduate Students: Recruiting Reviewers

Submitted by criquelme3 on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 14:19

The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) is recruiting reviewers for two programs: PURA Salary Awards and the Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium.

For both of these programs, UROP relies on graduate students, postdocs, staff, and faculty to help us evaluate undergraduate students' proposals or presentations and provide valuable feedback. If you are interested in contributing as a reviewer, please complete the form below. We're always open to reviewers! Thank you!

Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium

Submitted by criquelme3 on Thu, 02/29/2024 - 14:08

The 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium was held Tuesday, April 16 from 10 am - 4 pm in the Exhibition Hall. Over 150 students gave talks or presented posters on their projects. 

Talks covered topics in Computer Science, Energy and Space, Finance and Policy, Materials and Devices, Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, and Teaching and Learning.

During the afternoon poster sessions, the Midtown Ballroom “buzzed” with conversation as presenters shared their work. 

Arnav Hiray is a 3rd-year double major in Industrial Engineering and Mathematics studying Applications of Mathematics and Machine Learning in Finance with Dr.